Published on Friday December 13, 2019
Launched in 2015, CNB 76 Charlotte is hull number 6. A season of cruising in the Mediterranean followed her launch in Bordeaux. At the end of the Summer Season, she was shipped back to Australia, and has hardly stopped since then. She has made several trips to the Whitsundays and has performed very well in the Hamilton Island Race series. In 2016, she completed the Rolex Sydney to Hobart and is now ready to start the very special 75th Hobart race.
She has also cruised to Tasmania and this year made an extensive cruise through New Zealand and the Pacific. That is a serious and steady program.
She will shine in a few weeks’ time as the best cruiser/racer in the 2020 Sydney to Hobart race. Credit must surely go to her experienced crew, James and Mel. They are preparing Charlotte with a new set of sails, servicing rig and instruments, and much more.
On board for the race south will be her very experienced owner (9 Hobarts), and an excellent crew combining a great mixture of older and more experienced sailors and a capable and motivated younger team. The CNB 76 Charlotte will be a really competitive and happy boat to bet on for this race.
Getting Ready for the Race
For a boat like CNB 76 Charlotte to be entering a major event such as the 75th edition of the Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race, there are some important adaptions. These changes will shift her from a beautiful stylish cruiser to a fast and competitive yacht.
To turn her into race mode we must first remove the dodger and Bimini to reduce wind issues. In addition, we have to move the anchor from its original position on the stem for a more advantageous location which impacts on the weight concentration on the boat. Moreover, many of the timber surfaces have been carefully protected. In sum, combined with minimising the excessive weight of the boat, there is also a focus on the optimisation of the hull finish with a really good clean bottom and servicing of the rudders. On deck there is managing the sail program, servicing of the deck gear and checking and calibrating the instruments.
But the work for preparing CNB 76 Charlotte to this event does not cease in looking after the boat, it also requires attention to the personnel. Luckily she has done a lot of miles and with a very consistent crew. Therefore, there is a very positive aspect to it as people are happy and familiar with the yacht.
Again, the mixture of youth and maturity combines the enthusiasm and the knowledge which is a great combination for a boat like the CNB 76. The aim is to achieve a “podium” result within the handicap rating. “What we are seeking is to make sure that our lower speeds are kept “up to a good level”. That is where waterline length comes in and where Charlotte will really have an advantage”, Brendan Hunt, our CEO.
More about the CNB 76 Charlotte’s crew
Brendan will be part of the crew as he has been involved with Charlotte since her concept and commissioning. His position is normally assisting at the helm. But, with a good all-round crew, he will share any position. All to ensure that this CNB 76 is at her happiest and fastest performance.
Charlottes’ proud owner, Ervin Vidor, is a 9 times Hobart veteran. He is the master of mainsheet trim and control. It’s a two-man job, and with assistance of Barry, they work to keep the large mainsail in perfect trim and shape. The large carbon mainsail is the driver of this boat. It must be trimmed through all wind ranges – reefed or unreefed, defining the trim on the jibs, and optimising the upwind speed.
The crew boss is James Whelan. He directs and manages all the manoeuvres and sail changes and ensures the boat and its systems are at peak performance .
The job of getting the boat to Hobart is the responsibility of John Wells. As a retired Naval Officer, he will take great care ensuring always that Charlotte is heading in the best direction.
Be sure to keep an eye out for CNB 76 Charlotte and send your best wishes to this crew!
We have some videos of her on our Youtube Channel, subscribe to it to see the new ones we are adding! Also, follow us on Social Media: Facebook, Instagram.