Published on Thursday November 1, 2018
We received a cruising update from Phil and Julie, owners of the CNB 73…
“We are currently at Krabi Boat Lagoon in Thailand. Julie is back in WA on her way to Geraldton to help cart another seasons harvest (For her job, Julie drives Road-trains hauling wheat!).
We are getting some jobs done with the help of Popeye Marine Services which is going well. The job list always grows, but the main task is recalking the deck.
It’s hot here with regular thunderstorms so the AC is getting a good work out – very happy that we have it.
Otherwise it is a nice spot with a couple of cafe/restaurants and a few expats around to chat to.
Had a good trip across from Darwin. Put the asymmetrical up in the Timor Sea as the wind was light and reasonably consistent. It went ok but a bit of a handful to pull down – definitely need more practise… something to work on!
One of the more interesting stops in Indonesia was Barjarmasin on Kalimantan. It’s an industrial town exporting heaps of coal on barges where it is transferred to ships out at sea. More tugs in the town than the whole of Australia I reckon. They are everywhere. Lots of houses on stilts and the locals wash and do everything else in the river. We were reluctant to touch the water!”
Wow, what an adventure. We will continue to follow closely the “Adventures of Goochey Larfrae”